Meet Your Bear in the Woods
"No one has ever hurt you, you are free"
I was in a workshop where we each made a life map using X's for negative experiences with the masculine and O's for the positives, adding short notes about these events.
This was a powerful experience. I came out of it with a map that belonged to me. My life as i see it. The overall effect of my X's and O's map was amazing. I felt such acceptance for it all.
By reclaiming the negative, I can take back all these projections. Instead of following these projections, am present with them. When I take this energy back, when I own it for myself, I am healed, integrated and whole.
Try this exercise. Take out a piece of paper and make the X's and O's. See what comes up.
This 'Painting, Push Me, Pull You,' is about my father, the bear in the woods.